-सार्वजनिक स्थलमायौन क्रियाकलापमा मस्त भएका १८ बर्षिय युवा र युवतीको cctv भिडियो यूट्युबमा भाइरल (भिडियो सहित)...

Yang was spotted removing the girls pants in the early hours of April 1 before the pair began having $ex at a bus stop outside the residential halls heard Kowloon City Court. A security guard demanded that the couple stop but to no avail after he noticed what was happening just after three minutes into the act. He saw the teenagers engage in oral $ex after going to notify the police.
The court also heard that the man only realized a police officer had appeared after he tapped him on the shoulder, the pair were so engaged in the activity that they didn’t notice passers-by. However the police man could not take any action as he did not see anything. Yang was arrested a day later the video surfaced online. When Wu returned from vacation, the past came back to haunt her as she saw graphic video of the event online and decided to hand herself in to police.
On Thursday both of the students were pleaded not guilty to outraging public decency. But Wu made a a swift U-turn just two hours later when she admitted to the offence. She previously had no crim!nal record. Wu was in her first year at Hong Kong Polytechnic University. She is studying Global Supply Chain Management but her lawyer has voiced concerns that she may have to stop her studies. Yang is now on bail and his next trial will take place on 13th August.
